You Make Everything About Politics, She Said

By Lucas J. Mather
You make everything about politics, she said. It’s like, is there nothing left to talk about.
Well, the Republican professor said. I suppose we could talk about the weather. That’s been the go-to non-political topic for centuries. It sure is hot today. Why do you think it’s so hot?
Climate change, she said, without skipping a beat.
The professor pulled out a mirror from his man-purse, and she said “what are you doing.”
I’m showing you this mirror. Now, repeat what you originally said, the Republican professor said, holding the mirror up to her.
After an awkward second, he said, would you like to talk about sports ?
Copyright Lucas J. Mather, 2020
All Rights Reserved
Originally Published to Facebook Sat 15 August 2020 at 2:51 pm
Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D. is the producer and host of The Republican Professor Podcast, voted America’s least non-interesting podcast in 2022.