Old Lady: All Those Interesting Books: What Do You Do, Young Man ?

It’s What I Do, by Lucas J. Mather
Rich old lady, Orange County Peet’s Coffee, voice shaking, finger wobbling: “All these interesting books. What do you do ?”
Me? I’m a drug dealer.
Lady: hahaha–
Me: [straight face].
Lady: Srsly? [Concerned motherly look].
Me: I’ve been slinging “thought-crack” for 10 years.
Lady: [looking at the books like Gollum looking at that damn ring]. Full time or part-time?
Me: Depends on who you ask. Part-time if you ask a full-timer . Full-time if you ask a part-timer.
Lady: That’s confusing. It should just go by how may hours a week you work.
Me: Oh, well then it’s definitely more than full-time. Full-timers, who work less than I do, would say it’s part-time, because…
Lady : Because they’re the ones actually smoking crack. Real crack , not just your thought-kind.
Her and me: LOL
Copyright Lucas J. Mather, 2015
All Rights Reserved
Originally Published to Facebook Sunday 16 August 2015 at 11:13 am