Truth in Advertising

A Short Story at Barnes & Noble, By Lucas J. Mather
If the story is untold , why would I buy the book? I said to the clerk.
[Me at Barnes & Noble]
This looks like the story *is* told . As I flip through it. But , if I was in a hurry , and I didn’t have time to check, and I just *trusted* the marketing on the cover , the title , subtitle and whatnot [I point to “Untold” in “The Untold Story of” xyz], and later, I got home or on my flight and I looked closer and it was told, uh, I’d be pretty pissed. That would be a lie . A bald faced lie. You lied to my face .
Uh, sir, the clerk said.
In that situation. I’m not saying that’s this situation, I quickly added.
How would you like to pay for this , sir.
I’m keeping my receipt, and I will sue for false advertisement. Say what you mean, mean what you say. If it’s told, say that . I’m relying on it . If it’s untold still, sweet. That’s the product I expect.
Copyright Lucas J. Mather
All Rights Reserved
Originally published to Facebook Sunday 1 Dec. 2019 at 5:36 am
Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D., is the producer and host of The Republican Professor Podcast, which was featured as the centerfold in Natural Right Magazine’s July 2022 edition.
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