Professor, the Soviet Union was Communist, not Socialist

Professor, the Soviet Union was Communist , not Socialist .
Really ? So they did not support the Democratic Party over the Republican Party, then?
Uh. I … wait. What? I don’t think they cared.
[Professor laughs].
[Professor catches breath. Laughs again. Harder.]
Can you tell me, then, what the initials of the Soviet Union were? Ours are USA. What were theirs? the professor asked.
I don’t know . I wasn’t alive.
Yes, which is why this is a very important conversation for you, the Republican Professor said with utterly grave gravitas .
USSR, the professor said slowly, after a second.
She said, oh yeah, I guess I did know that. I saw that in a movie once.
Good. What’s it mean?
I dunno. United Soviet States of Russia?
The Professor sat totally still, resisting every urge to put his hands in his face and scream on the evil Democrat campus, this “school,” and after a moment , he said , monochromatically, No !
She winced, and said, Okay … geez you don’t have to jump all over me. What does it matter?
The Republican Professor stared at her, through her entitled , lazy, grade-inflated soul, and said nothing .
What does it matter what USSR means ?
[The Professor, on a Democrat campus, continued to stare at her soul].
Well ? What’s it mean ??
LOOK IT UP !! he thundered, as he gathered his bags and left the class.
Copyright Lucas J. Mather, 2019
All Rights Reserved
Originally published to Facebook on Saturday 16 Nov 2019 at 10:48 pm
Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D. is the producer and host of The Republican Professor Podcast.
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