Remembering Hawai’i State Senator Sam Slom (R, 1996–2016, East Honolulu) w/ Second Amendment Foundation Founder Mr. Alan Gottlieb

Mr. Alan Gottlieb, Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) joins us today to pay tribute to the late Sam Slom, who was elected to the Hawai’i State Senate when TRP’s producer and host (Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D.) lived in Hawai’i. In fact, Dr. Mather recalls passing Slom’s campaign or senate office either in Hawai’i Kai or Kahala (I think the Kahala Mall) back in 1996 or 1997. Sam Slom served as Hawai’i State Senator from 1996 to 2016 in East Honolulu and was the only Republican in the State Senate. He was one of the founding Board Member of The Second Amendment Foundation in 1974. Mr. Sam Slom was one of the good Republicans defending the right to keep and bear arms and individual liberty , and it’s an honor to remember him here.
Mr. Alan Gottlieb, Founder of The Second Amendment Foundation helps us do just that. We also discuss a bit about the kinds of cases that SAF is involved in, including some recent and famous ones. Recently, SAF won a preliminary injunction against California’s arbitrary and capricious 10+ magazine confiscation scheme. Historically and famously, SAF won at the US Supreme Court in D.C. v. Heller (2008) and representing plaintiff Otis McDonald in McDonald v. Chicago (2010). In that latter case, the City of Chicago spent a million dollars to deprive this black man of his right to self defense absent police protection .
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Enormous progress has been made ! The work continues.
The first time TRP host Dr. Mather studied the Second Amendment academically was at Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay in 1999 in a required State and Federal Government course for his undergraduate college, Wayland Baptist University Hawai’i. The professor for the course used a textbook that gave scant and misleading information about the history, text, scope, and meaning of the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms. During that time, and a few years before when he saw “Jerry McGuire” (Tom Cruise movie) at Kahala Mall in East Honolulu (the swanky part of “town”), Mather was living downtown at the time, and noticed the office of Sam Slom, Republican elected to the Hawai’i State Senate.
Mr. Slom was a Founding Board Member of The Second Amendment Foundation. He served as the only Republican in the Hawai’i State Senate from 1996 to 2016, twenty years ! On The Republican Professor Podcast, what a wonderful opportunity to remember Sam Slom, Mather’s time studying the Second Amendment for the first time academically in Hawai’i, and the careful , persistent work of The Second Amendment Foundation. Mr. Alan Gottlieb, Founder of The Second Amendment Foundation, helped us do all that.
SAF has won a recent preliminary injunction against the 10+ magazine limit here in California last week . More famously, SAF brought the challenge to DC’s onerous registration/home disarmament scheme which they won at the US Supreme Court in 2008 called D.C. v. Heller (2008). We talk about his conversation with Antonin Scalia, what it was like growing up in New York City, why the arbitrary magazine limitation is unconstitutional, how knife laws also should be challenged as problematic under the Second Amendment, and my favorite, what it was like winning the Chicago case called Otis McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010) at the US Supreme Court (filed the day they won Heller). Enormous progress has been made since I saw Sam Slom’s office in East Honolulu and spoke with him and his team in 1996. The textbooks no longer can afford to give the disfavored Second Amendment short shrift. That has everything to do with the hard , persistent work since then . Glad to be a part of it and to have had the opportunity to document it on The Republican Professor podcast.
The work continues.
Check out the episode on the Podcast or on YouTube.
The Republican Professor is a pro-Second-Amendment podcast. Therefore, welcome Mr. Alan Gottieb, founder of The Second Amendment Foundation. The Republican Professor is produced and hosted by Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D.
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