Dr. Lucas J. Mather on Understanding Congress

On January 1, 2024, The Republican Professor (TRP) Substack featured a plug for the American Enterprise Institute’s podcast called “Understanding Congress.” In that note, TRP Podcast producer and host, Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D., highly suggested making it a goal for the new year to understand Congress a little more clearly.
The AEI podcast is a great place to start. The episodes are fairly short — about a half and hour or less — and follow an interview format.
For example, how well do you understand money in politics ? One of the issues is how Congressmen raise money to run for office . And what is expected of Congressmen once in office. In the episode that aired on Sept. 6th, 2021, it came to light that members of Congress, especially House members, are expected to raise about $250,000 for the party by making phone calls which takes the focus off of the legislative work the member was elected to do.
And there is a lot of legislative work to do.
One of the things we like to ask people when they complain about Congress is, do you believe it’s a valid job of Congress to provide oversight to the Executive Branch rule-making agencies ?
If so, how many such agencies are there ?
Usually, we’re met with blank stares.
That’s the first thing you got to get down. How many agencies are there ? What are their budgets ? What should their budgets be ? That right there is a lot of work.
Second, what kinds of rules are they working on, or have recently created ? Getting the substance of those data down is a huge task, an overwhelming task for any new member of Congress.
This would be in addition to following all the proposed bills being voted on by Congress, what’s in those .
The government is huge, far too huge for Congress to keep an eye on. As we keep an eye on Congress as voters, let’s not forget that.
As you were, continue on making progress of your own in Understanding Congress.
It’s important.
Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D. is producer and host of The Republican Professor Podcast on YouTube and audio only versions as well. Dr. Mather also writes the TRP Substack which you can sign up for for free.