Basic American Politics in Conversation
By Lucas J. Mather
Someone said to me they were so encouraged that Georgia seems to be going blue, which she thought was impossible since it was “historically Republican.”
I had to hold back laughing out loud. Or even smirking because clearly she was processing some feelings and I think it’s important to let people do that. But they were just feelings, not thoughts.
And she was kinda young and , you know, college grade inflated.
But after a moment, I said, I have to correct your myopia. If you don’t mind.
She wrinkled her brow, looking for some evidence of a Trump sticker. Something to assuage her discomfit. But a moment passed, and she calmed down, and she got to the emotional point where she could listen to , you know, another person.
I said, for the vast majority of American history, Georgia was Democratic. The Democratic Party monolithically and mercilessly, violently controlled all of Georgia. Georgia is historically Democratic.
Well, she said, trying not to be defensive (why aren’t you celebrating ?! she seemed to try to mime silently), and, you could also tell, not even knowing what the hell I was really talking about — it being history and all — she said recently it has been all Republican. And that’s what she meant.
So I did what I do. I calmly asked her to clarify: By “historically black college, you mean recently black college”? Historically means recently?
No I mean she said, catching herself. I . It. No. Ge — Everybody knows Georgia is historically Republican !, she screamed. THIS IS A BIG DEAL OH MY GOD !
I was just trying to understand the …unique way you’re using these terms, is all. No offense, I said warmly. I’m a college professor most recently by trade. I can’t help it.
She calmed down , slightly embarrassed, and admitted she didn’t know quite what I was talking about.
I said, that might have quite a bit to do with why you’re a Democrat. And why you assume, without good evidence — because you can’t see the evidence or won’t look at it when it’s right in front of you, like right now — that only “good” (with air quotes) people are Democrats (or vote Democrat, same diff), or that non-Democrats, Republicans like myself, are bad. But you don’t even know, I pointed out, that one of the only living former presidents — a very small number — was Governor of Georgia as a Democrat. And that wasn’t that long ago. He won Georgia when he ran against Ronald Reagan.
Her mouth opened slightly and her saliva began to pool a little bit in the corner, with little bubbles. Little democrat bubbles. Searching for love in all the wrong places.
She thought I was talking about Bill Clinton.
I had to correct her. But, I said, good job though, because Bill Clinton won Georgia, too, and that was after I had joined the military and had become an adult. And I am not that old.
She looked at me again and verified that I am not that old.
I thought about letting her feel my hairs on my arms, which are blond, but I didn’t want her to think I was her presidential candidate. I wanted her to be a comfortable as possible so that she could emotionally take in what I was saying.
She said, you mean ?
Georgia is historically Democratic. The Republicans flipped it, thank God.
So the Democrats had Georgia…
She trailed off.
Like a wilderness guide, I called her back to the path.
Wait, she said.
I’m waiting, I said. I’m obeying your command to wait.
So … huh? I thought …So
Georgia was Democrat throughout the worst parts of America’s history in terms of things you claim to care about. The best part of Georgia’s history has been when Republicans had it. Praise God.
She looked at me as if I was an alien. But not hostile-y, just kinda taking me in. Like Drew Barrymore in ET.
But Georgia recently has been really bad, she said, putting up as much of a fight as she could muster. It sounded like trying to start my first truck. I had to pop the hood and put a screwdriver in the choke, and even then it had to billow blue smoke for about 3 minutes before I could shut the hood and put her in gear.
I said, you mean the time when the Atlanta Bojangles self-segregated, and you could get a job?
Or…when blacks were hanging from Democrat trees by the hundreds ?
Which were you referring to, I asked.
She walked away.
But you know what.
I think she took her first step in really Walking Away.
And I went on with my day.
Copyright Lucas J. Mather, 2020
All Rights Reserved
Originally published to Facebook on Monday 9 Nov 2020 at 2:47 pm
Dr. Mather is the producer and host of TRP Podcast, available here.
The Republican Professor (TRP) Podcast has recently been voted most dangerous podcast for Communists and Socialists by Collectivist Times magazine.