Women & Guns ? The Woman Behind FemaleFirearmsInstructor.com: Dezarae Payne, Founder and CEO of Vanguard Training & Consulting (TRP Ep. 83)
Ms. Dezarae Payne is the director of a monthly firearms training clinic at the Ben Clark Sheriff’s Training Center in Riverside County, California for Sheriff Chad Bianco (Riverside County Sheriff) to promote firearm safety and education for California citizens, typically women.
She is NRA, DOJ (California Department of Justice) and Riverside County Sheriff certified CCW (Conceal Carry Weapon) instructor.
In addition, she is the founder and CEO of FemaleFirearmsInstructor.com and develops curriculum for that company, Vanguard Training and Consulting, which teaches especially women how to safely handle and carry firearms.
You can check out her female-focused firearms training here : https://femalefirearmsinstructor.com/about/
Women don’t necessarily want to be trained by another woman, according to Dezarae. Frankly, it might just be that they don’t want to be trained by their husband or boyfriend.
Ms. Payne has a unique temperament perfectly suited to this kind of training.
Firearms education and training can be very intimidating to those who feel jolted by the loud noises, who are initially afraid of the weapon itself, who don’t understand how it works, why it does what it does, how to clear jams safely (finger off the trigger, always aware and in control of where the muzzle is, that it’s constantly at all times pointed in the best direction, a “safe” direction, etc), to load and unload and be aware of others (at all times), and to do so while having a great time, that all can be overwhelming to people new to firearms. If they feel shame or their nerves are in dorsal vagal shutdown, they won’t take the information in.
Culture was such in my childhood first experiences with firearms that I was afraid of being unsafe, and that fear was reinforced by my social community (by everyone), I would have been shamed into oblivion for violating any of these safety norms, it’s sometimes hard for me to remember that the newcomer to firearms safety and training doesn’t have those deeply ingrained habits and intuitions. Somehow, the safe and strict firearms culture in my family and friends also allowed for freedom, responsibility, and fun with firearms at a very early age there in the Colorado of my youth. But not everyone has that background, and many can’t even contemplate what that would be like for them.
That’s why I’m so impressed with Ms. Payne’s gentle, firm, disciplined, informed, safe approach to leveling women up (and some men, too).
She is the guardian of the best in American “gun culture,” including the politics side of this equation. This stuff doesn’t happen in a political vacuum.
Dezarae grew up in Montana and moved to California as an adult. She was carrying legally in her home state, having gone through the very simple process there of obtaining a carry permit. What she experienced when she got to California was a nightmare in terms of compliance. Innocent people can easily become accidental criminals in the intense matrix and web of irrationally complex, non-intuitive police state mentality of California law. Of course, as Dezarae notes, nothing changed as far as her safety and training with firearms when she moved from one part of America to another. Why the heavy-handed overreach in California ? It didn’t and still doesn’t make any sense, as it didn’t seem to have any even minimal rationality attached to California’s over-criminalization approach.
Most politicians start out local. That’s the time to train and educate them into protecting the right to self-defense and everything necessary to support that right, culturally and politically. So, start locally in politics.
The Republican Professor is a pro-female-firearms-training, pro-citizen-self-defense, pro-anti-Police-State, pro-healthy-gun-culture, pro-CCW, pro-American podcast
Therefore, welcome FemaleFirearmsInstructor.com’s Dezarae Payne, Vanguard Training
The Republican Professor is produced & hosted by Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D.