Nerd Alert: Books, Gen. Z Apologetics, & America with Dr. Harry Edwards, founder of (TRP Episode 73)
It’s our great honor to welcome the founder of, the delightfully humorous Lion of Christian Apologetics, Dr. Harry Edwards.
Dr. Edwards is ethnically Filipino, speaks Tagalog fluently having grown up there in the big city on Luzon. Harry moved to the US lawfully when he was a very young man.
There were many, many years when every time you went into the Biola University bookstore, back when they sold, well, books instead of everything else besides books (you can buy coffee mugs, skis, hunting rifles, used Toyota trucks, and rare military insignia, but not like hard cover books anymore at the Biola Book Store since the decline began)(actually, hunting rifles would be progress, but), you would see Harry Edwards there, the king of the Biola Bookstore Commonwealth. And that’s because fundamentally Harry is a nerd, sure, but more superficially, it’s because Harry was the Biola Bookstore Manager.
In other words, you thought of Harry, you thought, books. Books, books, books. And he loves books, and he had and has a passion for introducing people to books, books, and more books.
That alone would be a good reason to be a fan of Dr. Harry Edwards.
Harry has jet black hair (and he’s old, and he does not dye it), he’s got dark skin, and he grew up elsewhere, yet he is a red-blooded American.
Dr. Harry Edwards has a passion for reaching the lost in America, especially Generation Z, with the wonderful news (true, defensible news) of the historic, biblical Christian Gospel and all the truths of general revelation that flow out of and are consistent with that view of the world. His doctoral dissertation was on reaching Generation Z with Apologetics. His doctorate is a D.Min., a Doctor of Ministry, with emphasis in Apologetics from the epicenter of scholarship on Christian Apologetics, Southern California’s Biola University, Talbot School of Theology, in Lost Angeles County.
(D. Min. is ironically pronounced “dmon” — ironic because there’s nothing dmonic about it, actually).
Many years ago Harry founded which he still runs while on the pastoral staff of Christian church in Orange County, California. Part of that effort involves a late-night radio program and podcast in Lost Angeles which helps listeners develop, refine, correct, and progress in the best way to understand Christianity and the world.
The Republican Professor is a pro-books, pro-awesome-bookstore-that-actually-sells-books, pro-Apologetics-done-right, pro-red-blooded-American-no-matter-what-color-you-appear-to-be, pro-America-loving-lawful-immigrant, pro-re-thinking-how-best-to-reach-the-young podcast.
Therefore, welcome Dr. Harry Edwards, D.Min. (in Christian Apologetics, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, California).
The co-host for this episode is Kurtis Olson, co-founder of
The Republican Professor podcast is produced and hosted by Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D.
A helpful note on the numbering of TRP episodes:
This is Episode 70 of The Republican Professor on YouTube.
The last two audio-only episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc. (featuring a topic on which YouTube censors free discussion) featured Dr. John R. Lott, Ph.D. and Jon Matthews. The last YouTube episode, The Fatty Truth on Instagram on Political Censorship, was numbered episode 68 on YouTube because our Good Friday and Easter episodes 2022 were not numbered. But this is the 70th episode uploaded to The Republican Professor channel on YouTube.
The Audio only version of The Republican Professor podcast included Episode 1 on Abortion, recorded January 2021 with K-12 Public School Teacher Aaron Axtell, published late 2021. Episode 2 was published early 2022. Episode 2 of the audio-only line-up is Episode 1 on YouTube, since the real Episode 1 with Aaron Axtell on Abortion did not have video.
More than you ever wanted to like evar like know about, like, how the like episodes are like numbared and stuff.
~Dr. Ljm, Trp