Episode 32 — Emotionally Healthy Relationships in Second Amendment Activism with Dale Fincher
Join us as we talk about boundaries in emotionally healthy relationships with our special guest today, the man behind @Voiceofthe2nd on Instagram, philosopher and writer Dale Fincher.
Fincher joins us from his 200 year old home in New Hampshire to journey into some of the deeper aspects of Second Amendment activism and advocacy. He uses Instagram to prompt longer form thoughts on reality, using the medium to post quotes that call out for more careful analysis.
Dale has experienced emotional abuse himself, as well as the kind of organizational disfunction that so often causes or accompanies it. That background, plus his graduate training in logic and philosophy, has prepared him well to the work of healthy integration of our need for a coherent life in boundary-respecting relationship with others.
Part of our relationships is the relationship we have with the government. A government that does not respect the boundaries of your private space to protect yourself from harm is a dysfunctional, harmful, boundary-crossing, abusive relationship.
The Republican Professor is a pro-emotionally healthy, pro-spiritually-healthy, pro-healthy-boundary-relationships, and pro-Second-Amendment podcast.
Therefore, welcome @Voiceofthe2nd on Instagram’s Dale Fincher !