Butterfly Knives, Billy Clubs and Guns on the Beach in Hawai’i with Alan Beck, JD, RTKBA 2a Attorney
Our guest today defends the most vulnerable people, often at his own substantial cost, from bureaucrats who use the police power of the state to abuse Americans.
Does the Second Amendment protect the right to keep and bear non-lethal arms? If it protects the right to keep and bear lethal arms for self-defense, a fortiori, it would seem so. Butterfly knives can be used for self-defense without deploying the blade, and so can baseball bats be used for lawful purposes, including self-defense. Yet Democratic states like Hawai’i, California, Rhode Island have criminalized this innocent conduct, primarily using its prosecutorial discretion to enforce only against the most vulnerable, low income residents of those states, and Democrats have done so for decades prior to enough Republican judicial appointees to make a difference in turning this tide.
Mr. Alan Beck sues Hawai’i for infringement of the rights of American Samoans, Green Card holders, and Hawai’ian residents and wins. As a result of his cases on behalf of low income, vulnerable people, anti-Second-Amendment laws in several states have come to an end.
His cases have overturned California and Hawai’ian laws that are selectively enforced against low income people bearing billy clubs for self-defense, butterfly knives and stun guns, as well as ensured open carry in the 9th Circuit Democratic strongholds such as the island county of Hawai’i (Big Island). He has also won the right to carry guns on beaches in Maui.
Here are links to some of his cases:
Judge Benitez (US District Court, So Cal)’s reasoning for striking down California State’s criminalization of the innocent conduct of simple possession of billy clubs and batons. https://assets.nationbuilder.com/firearmspolicycoalition/pages/5882/attachments/original/1710186934/2024.03.11_069_OPINION.pdf?1710186934
Teter v. Lopez (2023) 9th Circuit 3-Republican-Judge Panel striking down Hawai’i State’s criminalization of innocent conduct of simple possession of butterfly knives. https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=5867277631911526691&q=teter+v+lopez&hl=en&as_sdt=2003
The original 2018 Young v. Hawai’i 9th Circuity 3-Republican-Judge Panel striking down Hawai’i State’s criminalization of the innocent conduct of simple possession of butterfly knives.
The above case was lost en banc, but then US Supreme Court granted cert, vacated and remanded the en banc panel.
The Republican Professor Podcast is a pro-defending-the-vulnerable-against-bureaucrats-and-politicians-who-criminalize-innocent-conduct podcast.
Therefore, welcome Mr. Alan Beck !
The Republican Professor is produced and hosted by Dr. Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D.
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Lucas J. Mather, Ph.D.
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