Episode 11 — How Do We Know Things ? Special Guest Dr. Trent Doughtery, Ph.D., Epistemologist
Epistemology is the field in Philosophy that focuses on what Knowledge is, how we know (or whether we know) what we think we know. Get ready to go a million miles an hour with professional epistemologist Dr. Trent Dougherty, editor of the Oxford University Press book “Evidentialism and Its Discontents” available for purchase here on Nile, Mississippi, or whatever river you get you books from.
E.g., https://www.amazon.com/Evidentialism-its-Discontents-Trent-Dougherty-ebook/dp/B00AQH7F8W/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3BM8FK58OQ5DX&keywords=trent+dougherty&qid=1645212085&sprefix=trent+dou%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-3
We ask him how we know things, what counts as good evidence, what the definition of opinion and knowledge is, is “publish or perish” good for Higher Education , how does one make it as a professional philosopher , and whether sense experience is required for having knowledge . He lists some of the great names in his journey, including Edmund Gettier, the three “RF”s –Richard Fumerton, Richard Foley, and his dissertation chair Richard Feldman–who were almost as important as the late, great Roderick Chisholm.
Enjoy also the personal anecdotes in the last half where he shares how he became interested in Philosophy after his conversion to Christianity from paganism, and how he got interested in Epistemology in particular.
Welcome, Dr. Dougherty !
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